Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Plagiarized anecdote, which illustrates my fundamental theory about Life, the Universe, and Everything

An Orthodox Jew, a Hindu, and an atheist went for some barbequed steak. The Orthodox Jew wondered if his steak was kosher; The Hindu wondered how many thousand gods were inside the steak. The atheist just enjoyed his steak.

Stuff is what it is. That doesn't sound very profound, until you compare it with the religous view: things aren't what they are. All gashmius is nishtalshel from ruchnius; It looks like the world isn't ready for Moshiach, but reall it is, because the Rebbe said it is; etc. To which I say, "It is what it is; no more no less." The steak is a steak. Enjoy it!

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