Thursday, February 5, 2009

This post contains unabashed racism

My lab partner is not bad for a shvartze. He speaks with black rhythm, but his accent is white. Plus he has nice glasses, which give him an intellectual appearance. Oh yeah, I forgot the main thing: he knows stuff and knows how to think. So, all in all, he's not bad for a nigger.

Anyhow, we had finished our lab experiment and were heading to elevators, when he met his friend. The friend was disgruntled. He was bored in class. Stupid teachers! Making him do experiments he had already done last semester. yeah it sucked. he had done it before, and now he needed to do it again. "Why didn't you pass last semester?" my affable nigger friend asked his glum nigger friend.

"I dunno," the surly young man pouted. "All my friends were getting B's, B+'s. I even tried contacting the teacher, got his phone number, and his e-mail address even. but he said there was nothing he could do. i got like a forty on the final. and all i wanted was a C."

"And all he wanted was a C," I repeated to myself comiseratingly. Darn those smarty pants geeks, with their high-falutin' demands for A's and B's. Here he is, a simple man, asking only for a C, and even that the teacher can't give him. Harumph.


Lav Dafke said...

i am sorry to say, but ur disclaimer in the title, does not make ur post any less objectionable.

Anonymous said...

Nice! You're the first person ever to comment on my blog! You're probably also the first to read the blog.

You're right. It's evil. Racism is evil. I ought to be ashamed. But the fact is the fact. These are the evil, prejudiced thoughts which passed through my evil, prejudiced mind. And when I wrote them, I was really just sharing them with myself.

Lav Dafke said...

Fair enough, i will tell u as someone that was raised and is still in the chasidic community. i was brought up with the same garbage attitude. At least u agree that it's horrible.

Anonymous said...

It was partially tongue in cheek. I think it's a bad attitude, but i also think that it reflects reality. That guy's ethnic background contributed to his attitude towards school.